Katherine Heater, harpsichord,; Farley Pearce, viola da gamba; Matthew Xie, theorbo/ baroque guitar; Vicki Melin, traverso and recorder; Pauline Kempf, violin

Photo Credit: Breene Yuen

Reste Plaintif from “Pan et Syrinx” by Michele Pignolet de Montéclair

November 17th, 2024: Les Amours des Dieux; Cantatas of Clerambault and Monteclair with Soprano, Bethany Hill at Calliope East Bay Music and Arts; Albany, CA

Nash Baroque, with soprano Bethany Hill, bring to life tales of love, despair and triumph from 18th century France, with flute, violin, viola da gamba, theorbo and harpsichord, in a program entitled “Les Amours des Dieux”.

The cantatas of Michel Pignolet de Montéclair and Louis Nicolas Clérambault unfold as miniature dramas featuring mythological Greek gods and humans with all their passions, weaknesses and heartbreak. “Every myth is a drama in human form”, as Gaston Bachelard put it, and these intimate vocal works, together with richly evocative instrumental dance suites of Couperin, Phillidor and LeClair explore timeless themes of love, loss and metamorphosis that echo through the ages.



Nominated in Summer 2023 to the final round of voting for the Bay Area’s 2023 “Classical Voice Audience Choice Awards” in Best Dance Performance for our collaboration with Dance Through Time of Pulcinella’s Dream! Music, Dance and Pantomime of the 18thc. Italian Theatre

Made Possible by an Intermusic SF MGP grant and Individual Donors like you!


On the heels of these 2023 sold out performances at SF Internt’l Arts Festival, Join us for “Emperor of the Moon”. Four Bay Area Performances of Music, Pantomime Ballet and Commedia d’elle Arte of

the English Stage in June 2025. *************

“ Emperor of the Moon” with the music of Henry Purcell, John Blow, John Eccles and Gottfried Finger; Soprano Bethany Hill, guest dancers from the New York Baroque Dance Company and Seattle Early Dance, a familiar cast of Commedia d’elle Arte characters, and an unforgettable trip to the Moon.

Friday, June 6th 7:30 pm Carrington Hall Theatre 1201 Brewster Ave. Redwood City

Saturday, June 7 4:00 pm and 7:30 pm Live Oak Theatre, 1301 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley

Sunday, June 8th 3:00 pm Gunn Theatre, Legion of Honor, 100 34th Ave. San Francisco

Produced by the San Francisco Early Music Society and made possible with the generous assistance of an MGP grant from Intermusic SF!

TICKETS AND MORE INFORMATION: https://www.sfems.org/emperor-of-the-moon

Eva Melin-Gompper

Pulcinella’s Dream Photos by Kyle Sugioka-Stone